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Why we Put garlic Under Pillow?

Historical evidence shows that, Garlic is a  standard food found in numerous kitchens all over the world and has been used in our culture a...

About us

The story of this blog writer defines the beauty of nature and the presence of its healing power.
Nature is the best source of resources and in this world,
Everything depends upon nature, but by and large, we use to believe in quick treatment or go for allopathic, but did you know that how Allopathic, has affected our day-to-day life or our immune system.
Our ancient culture people used Ayurveda as a source of medicine in their daily life.
I am also believing in home remedy Ayurveda and natural herbs.
In this blog, you will learn the various resource of natural herbs and their uses in our day-to-day's life, These herbs are easily available and can be assessable in our life.

Just believe in our herbs and Ayurveda, You can regain your natural beauty by the natural Products.

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